You Deserve Great Pay

You are amazing at what you do. We know this because you’re here, and wouldn’t be otherwise. Because of that, you deserve compensation that reflects the skills you’ve brought. Our company is designed around reducing administrative burdens and costs to maximize pay for our talented staff.

A Different Kind of Time Off

Our vacation policy is pretty straightforward: Take what you need. That’s right — as long as you get your work done and consult with your manager in advance, you may take any reasonable amount of time off. With pay, of course. Huh? What gives, you ask?

We work on an hours target model. We trust you not to take advantage of us, and we incentive you hitting your hours with an amazing bonus. We simply believe you will treat your colleagues and us with fairness and respect and won’t abuse our time off policy! The only caveat here is that your manager and your client need to be aware of your plans, and we’ll want to make sure that you can still reach your hours targets contractually and legally. Other than that, your hours and time off are your own! It should be noted that failure to take a vacation could result in overheating, burnout, and, well, a pretty dull existence. Take the time off you need and deserve!

The Work is Fun, but it Doesn’t Love You Back: Flexible Hours

This is related to our time off policy. How you work is generally up to you and your client. From a company perspective, we don't have or enforce specific time policies. Some clients are extremely flexible, and others aren't - but we'll work with you to add as much flexibility as possible. Always remember, the people who love you aren't generally at the office - so let's make sure you get enough time at home!

Guaranteed Bonuses

Yes! You heard that correctly. Our bonuses are not subject to random review cycles and miscellaneous business reviews. They are only tied to your hours target (generally 1840 per year). If you hit your target, you get your full bonus – guaranteed!

There can be additional compensation for activity well beyond expectations - but you’ll know what your bonus is and how to get it.

Your Health is Important to Us. We Pay 100%

We're not kidding. Your health is important to us. Healthcare is a major concern to many people. In this era of rising costs, rising premiums, and profit maximization, healthcare costs are getting increasingly shared between employees and employers.

But we’re different, and we believe that your health is important. Without you, we wouldn’t have a company! So we get great healthcare, and we provide it free for you and we cover over half of the rest of your family.

You Don’t Want to Work Forever: Saving for Retirement

We think planning for retirement is important, but too often companies tie their contributions to that of employees. While the intent might be noble, the impact often isn’t. We believe that you earn retirement contributions regardless of your personal participation in our plan, and we provide a non-elective contribution of 8% on your behalf into the plan.

That’s right – it doesn’t matter if you put in the 1, 5, or even 15% to the retirement plan, we’ll contribute your share anyway.

We Work in Tech, So We Need Tech!
Your Expense Account.

While we work on client sites, and generally can’t use our own technology for our work, we also know that much of the learning and growth you’ll do will be at home. We provide an annual allowance of $3,000 for you to purchase computers, monitors, equipment, or other technology or training that you need.

We are also willing to pay more for training and certifications that our client’s desire, and many of our clients will allow you to spend billable time to gain these skills while on site. We’ll work with you to get the skills you want!

That’s Not All

It doesn't stop there, and we're constantly and adding on new benefits as employees bring up their needs. As a company with a strong sense of duty to family, we are responsive to employee needs, and will work to add new benefits to meet yours.